Friday, August 24, 2012

Fw: August 1st more


I have a new respect for the chick pea.  We grow them here and they're ready to harvest.  If you've
ever shucked peas then you'll understand the tedium in opening each pod and getting tat ONE chick pea
out.  Sometimes you'll find 2 in a pod.  One time and only one time did I find 3 in one pod!  Such
happiness in such a little thing.  Well I shucked a lot of chick peas today and didn't mind a bit.
I have to make sure that whatever I make with them will be well suited to the work  (work is a strong word)
it took to get these.  I will never open another can of chick peas that I bought for $.75 and NOT
remember today's task. And I do know that a machine mass shucks the ones in a can.  But you get the idea
behind all this.


After the shucking of the chick pea, I sunk a pitch fork into the ground and pulled up for the first
time ever-potatoes!  I eyes got big and I actually said "WOW".  They wee golden in color and oh
so beautiful.  I couldn't stop.  I had to keep going and going until the second garden of potatoes
was all pulled up.  Miriam and Robby did the first garden this morning.  I think there are 2 more
gardens to go for the potatoes.  As I'm digging one side of the garden, pears were falling on my
out of the tree and while I was digging the other part of the garden, figs were falling on my.  We
have so much stuff coming ripe and ready to either cook or just eat.  We still have lots of zucchini
coming every day.  A million green tomatoes will be ripening probably all at once.  Maybe by then
I'll be gone on to my next farm.  Oh the work it'll take to make all that cause and can it!
But for now we let the potatoes rest for at least 3 days before cooking any of them.  I'm sure Robby
will store them in a very suitable, safe place for use in the following several months.

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